Clifton Collins Jr. has been working on web series shows for TheTVFantastic, where you’ll find the HEROES webisode with Ian Somerhalder (Lost, Vampire Diaries). Check out the video below and then the questions I asked Clifton about the show and Ian’s involvement…
Heroes: Street Patrol – Superman and Spiderman patrol the streets for trouble.
Clifton, why did you start TheTVFantastic with your friends?
Clifton: Between myself, Jacob Vargas, and Sam Maccarone, we’re constantly laughing and coming up with the most absurd ideas that would make even the filthiest of Hollywood producers squirm. After all we’re really just big kids playing, so why not shoot it n’ cut n’ post it for all to enjoy? It’s nice to have creative outlets, and also it’s a great way to test out your material.
My kids really enjoyed watching your latest episode on TheTVFantastic; Heroes Street Patrol (Superman and Spiderman patrol the streets for trouble). Who was involved with writing and working on this episode?
Clifton: Heroes was written by Sam Maccarone and Ian Somerhalder. There was an internet rumor that Ian should be cast as the next Superman, so we thought it would be funny to give the good people of the internet what they wanted. When we went to go shoot, we couldn’t find a bike pump to “pump” Spiderman up with, so we used a razor scooter. If you look real close, you can see the wheels under Spiderman:) FUN FACT: Ian bought Errol Flynn’s old Hollywood home and that’s where we shot the kicking and punching scene, on Errol Flynn’s old back porch overlooking Sunset Blvd.!!!
My family watches LOST and thought it was fun watching Ian Somerhalder in this webisode. How did he get involved with this webisode and will he be in more episodes?
Clifton: Ian is a good friend of ours and has a great sense of humor. He first appeared in one of our short films in 2002 when he played “Sexy Dian” in the Roommates, episode 4: “Dian’s Face.” Sam was introduced to Ian on the set of Clifton’s movie “Rules of Attraction”. We all got along really well so naturally we wanted to work on some shorts together. Short films are an easy and very fulfilling way to spend an afternoon. 🙂 Also my sister Veronica Collins Rooney casts LOST; it’s just one big happy fam!
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One response to “Clifton Collins Jr talks TheTVFantastic & Ian Somerhalder In Heroes”
this is great thanks for sharing.